While on vacation recently, I had the opportunity to reflect on the last several months. Am I following through with the desires of my heart for the new year?
The first morning I woke to the sound of the sea I read this in God Calling: "Yes, come for rest. But stay for rest too. Stop all feverish haste and be calm and untroubled..."
Untroubled...Hmmmmm. I had to ponder that word.
His Presence offers us the invitation to leave our troubles at the door. Come in and stay while, but come with empty hands and heart. He offers to mend our bodies with rest that's good for the soul.
"Come for rest. But stay for rest..." Don't just drop in for a quick chat and then grab your troubles as you make a hasty departure.
Have you had an impromptu visit by a friend that brought a smile to your face when you opened the door? After normal pleasantries are exchanged she tells you she has only a few minutes, and then explains the reason for coming. Disappointment crosses your heart, but you understand.
This has been my experience many times through the years. I have meaningful relationships with my closest girlfriends, but the key is spending time together to reap the benefits.
The same is true of our relationship with Christ. We must spend uninterrupted time with Him. He longs for us to sit in His Presence and listen to words of love and affirmation. He beckons us to share our deepest sorrows and greatest joys. And the coolest thing is He is always willing to visit as long as I need or want. His knock at my door is an open invitation to "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28 NIV
Most of my adult life has been spent in the pursuit of peace, only to find Peace in the form of my Savior. What a relief to accept His offer of hope in a battered and bruised world.
I think I can say I'm making progress. Many changes have occurred this year, most of them life giving. I've learned rest doesn't just happen, you must pursue it. True rest comes when I allow God to fill every hole of emptiness with the truth of His word. As my mind is renewed, the body rewards my efforts.
I'm so thankful for those who have walked along with me to shoulder my burdens. Ultimately though, Jesus is the only one who offers true, lasting rest.
Make time to visit and leave your worries as you enter His presence. After a long conversation you may even forget the baggage you left at the door.
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