Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Life Detour

I'd been accepted to attend Marshall University in Huntington, WV in the fall of 1977 to major in Journalism. School newspapers and writing had been an important part of my academic life going back to grade school and publishing our monthly paper on the mimeograph machines. What came over me I'll never know, but one of my friends suggested I change my plans and go to West Virginia Tech. Just assuming that everyone had a Journalism program, and not having anyone in my life to advise me, I aborted my plans to attend Marshall and jumped on the Tech bandwagon...because you know you must go to school where all your friends are going.

It's a good thing that Someone was watching out for me. Someone who says, "For I know the plans I have for you,"declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11. Well it's a good thing. Can you imagine my surprise when I arrived at Tech with all my worldly possessions only to find they didn't have a Journalism program? They even found it humorous...though I was not laughing.

But there was One, much wiser than me, Who had a plan for me. He had someone on that campus, a campus made up mostly of male engineering students, that I was to meet. Had I gone to Marshall our paths wouldn't have crossed and my life would have gone in a different direction. He had a plan to prosper me and give me a future.

 My writing has been put on hold for many years, except for my personal journal, and now that my nest is empty I have the time to devote to my love of the written word.

Sometimes those detours take us places we don't want to go, but we have a Creator that is never caught off guard with even the slightest blink of the eye. He was aware of our detour before we were formed in our mother's womb so we shouldn't be alarmed for He has only the best for us if we'll  only trust Him.

A song that we sang recently in choir said, "When you can't trace His hand, trust His heart." I've found this proven over and over. God's timing in our lives is always perfect, never late, and will always be just what we need.


And now...


  1. I love the old picture of you and Earl, and isn't it great how detours can lead us to the right place?

  2. Thanks Katy! My detours have definitely lead me to some interesting places. I love it that our random conversation about writing has lead us both to this place!!

  3. Great writing! I'm excited to begin reading your posts. This one is really interesting, because I never really knew the whole story behind how you ended up at WV Tech and how you met Uncle Earl. It is funny how things work out.

    1. So now you know the rest of the story...thanks for reading and commenting. It means a lot to me!

