This past Monday began as it normally does, and then it fell apart; totally fell apart. It became a day I'd like to rewrite–one of those do-over days. One thing led to another and at the end of my day, I was a teary-eyed mess.
But life isn't a fairy tale and we mess up. We hurt people and people hurt us. We live one moment, one breath at a time. We say we're sorry and lament over the wrong done to us and then we lay our head on our pillow, and anticipate a new day.
For God's mercy is new every morning. Just as the sun rose on Tuesday morning, I/we had an opportunity, if we took a breath, for a do-over; another day to start fresh, to put one foot in front of the other and go about the tasks we're called to do.
I was still licking my wounds on Wednesday morning, feeling sorry for myself, when I was drawn to read of Stephen and James' (the half brother of Jesus), deaths as martyrs; And it wasn't pretty, I might add. They were both stoned. I hung my head in shame. I've let two days escape me while I wallowed in self pity. Lesson learned.
What are you wrestling with today? Is it a person? An issue that won't resolve itself? Today is the day for a rewrite...a do-over. Don't waste precious time like me wallowing when you can be the author of your best story yet. Or better still, let Him write the ending. He's a much better Author and Finisher of our faith. mercies! That's my rewrite!
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23
Blessings from My Little Corner,
Every word- perfect. Thanks for writing this. I certainly needed it, as always.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, I write from life sorry you needed it too! I'm so glad for new days to get an opportunity for a do-over! I'm so thankful for a friend who understands!
DeleteThe Lamentations passage is one of my favorites! The verses preceding this are about sorrow and affliction and then in verse 21, it says, "Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope." My motto is: Live in the "yet." I'll be praying for your family member and you.
ReplyDeleteThank you Laura! That means so much! Some people shy away from Lamentations but to me it's comforting...thank you for sharing. I like that, "live in the 'yet.'"