I'm in a season of waiting. I'm not sure what I'm waiting on, but I know it's a "wait" period.
When I emerged from the season of pity after my nest emptied, life began to change; small changes at first, then things picked up measurably last year with writing.
Now I'm back to waiting. Waiting to downsize, waiting to finish projects already started, waiting on properties to sell, and dare I say…waiting to get old.
I've been asked the question if I'm ready for grandchildren. My response is very kind but something like this, "My nest has just emptied and my children aren't even married. There is a natural process my brain follows and grandchildren are not on my radar. But thank you for asking."

I'm in an online book discussion with two lovely women who are as much like me as we are different. This makes for a lively time together. We're at the end of Emily P. Freeman's book, A Million Little Ways––uncover the art you were made to live. Page 147 in the chapter on Waiting says,
"But the waiting can also grow us, shape us from the inside out for sacred work. This is a kind of work that happens only in the secret place of abiding in the presence of Christ even in the midst of broken dreams and tired circumstance."
Life is lived in the waiting moments; the "in-between moments," as Jeff Goins, the great writer of the book, The In-Between, has coined. No matter what your age is, you will wait for something at some point…a baby, a job, an answer, a date, a vacation, children or grandchildren to visit or a dream to be fulfilled.
Just remember, when you think nothing is happening, sacred work is being done. God is at work in the secret place. In the stillness He is at work accomplishing His plan in your life. Look for His handiwork. Get quiet before Him. Seek His face in humility with gratitude. Time in His presence is never wasted. He will rejoice over you with singing.
The following morning after writing this post, I read this in Jesus Calling, "Waiting, trusting, and hoping are intricately connected, like golden strands interwoven to form a strong chain…Because you are Mine, you don't just pass time in your waiting. You can wait expectantly, in hopeful trust." Those words were exactly what I needed to hear in this season of waiting. And the timing was perfect, especially since He knew I was waffling on publishing this post.
I waited almost nine years on a baby, thirty-eight years to finally grieve my mom's death, and forty years for the return of my childhood Bible. This season should be a piece of cake…or chocolate. But, it's still difficult.
Are you waiting for something in your life? Place your trust in the One who knows the future and has the end result for your good, and His glory in sight.
Those in-between moments can be some of the most fulfilling if we trust the outcome to our Creator.
I am still confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living.
Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord.
Psalm 27:13-14 NIV
Your fellowship today and over video have been so sweet. If this is what happens in the waiting, then yes. Let's wait. You already know I'm also waiting in an area of my life. When we do it well, we don't miss the blessings and lessons. We should rest in Him.
ReplyDeleteI'm so thankful for this weekend. What a blessing! Treasures come in the most unexpected places and times. I'm thankful for our last meal together at The Cove. Look at the fruit of that one meal. A treasure!