The mere thought that two children, not made of my flesh, nor born of my body, could capture my heart, and be so much like me at the same time, is a miracle to me. Each of my children, in their own way, have my characteristics and mannerisms, quirky ways and loves. Only God, in His great love, could orchestrate hearts and minds to do that.
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Larry and Andy(3 Weeks Old) |
We carefully read each page of instruction, and completed them to the best of our ability; all on our own, with no legal advice on this side of the border.
I'm a, "let's do this the fastest way possible," kind of girl when it comes to something I want…and I wanted a baby. This was the first time there was hope in sight. Our hearts were set on go.
We had many documents such as birth and marriage certificates needing authentication by our government at the State Department in Washington, D.C., and the Guatemalan Consulate, also in Washington. So…what's a girl to do but get in her car and drive the documents to the government offices and present them in person, with a smile of course.
We left on a Sunday morning so I could be there by Monday morning to do all the paperwork. My friend, Terri, was going with me, but she could only be gone two days. As soon as we finished on Monday, we had to return to South Carolina.
With papers in hand, I went to the State Department of the United States where George Schultz presided at the time. I was in and out of there in minutes. There were nine documents for each of us; eighteen in all.
The Guatemalan Consulate was not as cooperative. It wasn't their policy to complete adoption papers in the same day. I explained the situation about my friend to the receptionist. I said, "She has to get back home to her little girl, so I have to leave the city at five o'clock today." I went on to tell her it was a twelve hour drive to South Carolina.
The lady replied, "You want us to do what? We can't do this in one day. You can leave these with us and we can possibly get them back to you tomorrow. I can't make any promises."
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Andy-3 Months Old |
We spent the day at the Smithsonian Institute of American History; most of the time in the First Ladies Exhibit. Terri has a relative who was a former first lady.
We returned at four-thirty that afternoon to find nine pair of documents with red and blue ribbons and streamers adorning them. The receptionist who gave me the papers was quiet as she handed me the papers. She hesitated, then said, "I don't know who you are to get such treatment." I thanked her profusely and out the door we went, papers in hand.
I thought to myself later, it wasn't who I was, but Who He is.
We left the city, along with the gazillion other citizens who work and visit there on a normal Monday, with the most decorated papers I'd ever held in my hands. Twelve hours later, I pulled into her driveway and hugged Terri's neck, knowing we'd shared a life-changing event.
We completed the paperwork and sent it by DHL to the missionaries in Guatemala. We called at approximately midnight on December 13, 1986 to let them know the papers were on their way.
The next words we heard were the sweetest words I'd ever heard up to this point in my life. Claire said, "I'm not supposed to tell you this yet, but I'm holding little Andy, your son."
Tears of joy erupted as we held the phone between us. I blubbered something about not being sure if we were going to call him Andy or Drew. Claire said, "Oh, he's definitely an Andy, he's not a Drew." We spent the next several minutes hearing how our son came to be ours. The planning began in earnest to go after him…to bring him home.
God pursues us in the same way. He desires a relationship with us and He will go to extreme measures to capture our attention…to find us wherever we are…to rescue us and put us in a place where we can be loved and cherished. He will give you His promises and the faithfulness of I AM to stand behind every word.
Surely your goodness and unfailing love
will pursue me all the days of my life.
Psalm 23:6 NLT
What journey are you on? Do you know He wants to pursue you too?
Blessings from My Little Corner,
I love this story! I feel so full of emotion reading about sweet Andy! God's ways are mostly difficult, but He has a plan! Adoption is beautiful! ♥
ReplyDeleteThank you Mary Elizabeth! I agree…adoption is a beautiful thing. His plans are difficult to understand sometimes but we have to trust Him…easy to say, harder to live. I'm glad He chose me to be an adoptive mom. I can't imagine what my life would have been without them. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts! :)