All the stress and fretting over paperwork was worth those precious words, "I'm holding little Andy, your son." All the months of anticipating were over. We were Mommy and Daddy now, to Andy.
There was just one little thing; actually it was a very big thing…distance. He was 2,500 miles away and it would be two months before we would see him face to face; two months before I would hold him and tell him how much he was wanted.
And the w a i t i n g began.
Baby showers were given, plane tickets were purchased, and we w a i t e d.
In the meantime, these pesky papers came in the mail saying something about my fingerprints being done improperly, but I didn't think it had anything to do with bringing my baby home. The papers didn't say, "URGENT, YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO BRING YOUR BABY HOME IF YOU DON'T GET THESE RIGHT."
(Note to self: You might want to have an attorney review matters of foreign interest in the future.)
The long-awaited day arrived and we were Guatemala bound. Neither of us had ever left the country before. We had no idea what to expect, except there was a little boy waiting, who needed us as much as we needed him.
We arrived in Guatemala City at eight o'clock in the evening. We were on the ground floor of the airport. Claire was holding Andy over a balcony on the second floor so we could get a glimpse of him. It was love at first sight. I couldn't get to him fast enough. From the moment she placed him in my arms, we bonded. He became our son and we were a family. It didn't take long for love to pass between us. His eyes searched mine and we connected.
We quickly left the airport and made our way to the hotel for our first night as parents with a real baby in the room.
Before Larry and Claire left us for their room, Larry wanted to see our legal papers. He wanted to make sure everything was in order. He said, "Can I see Andy's Visa?" My husband and I looked at each other and said, "What Visa?"
The look on his face told me we were in trouble.
Larry told us Andy needed a Visa that would allow him into the United States. I told him we didn't have one and then realized why one had not been issued.
Fingerprints. Those pesky fingerprints again.
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Guatemalan Women |
God is sovereign and He will have His way if we ask; And we asked. We even made petition through our U.S. Senator.
The Visa was granted and we were all set to return home, until passports were frozen for all minor children in Guatemala.
Our hearts sank. It seemed everything was against us.
We used the time we were in Guatemala to explore the mountains and volcanoes, visit Southern Baptist missionaries and learn all we could about the culture. A lot of our time was spent in government offices pleading our case. We went before the Consulate General to share our hearts and prove we were legal, adoptive parents.
Plane tickets were changed as our hearts grew heavier.

What an adventure this had been, but home was on my radar. A nursery prepared for our baby awaited.
God has used adoption in my life to help me grasp what Jesus did at the cross. Many times through the years, I've reflected on God choosing Andy and Bailey to be mine. I love the picture of Him choosing us through adoption, as His children for eternity.
"But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His son,
born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law
so that we might receive adoption as sons.
And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts,
crying, "Abba! Father!"
Galations 4:4-6 ESV
"The fullness of time…" We don't understand His ways sometimes and why we have to wait. My years of waiting were worth every disappointment, every pain, and every tear because the joy I found in His plan for me was better than anything I could imagine.
In the fullness of time His plan will unfold for eternity. Will you be counted as one of His adopted children? Can you cry, "Abba, Father?" Just as I had a nursery waiting for my babies upon their arrival, Jesus has gone to prepare a place for you.
One prayer can change the course of your life...
In the fullness of time His plan will unfold for eternity. Will you be counted as one of His adopted children? Can you cry, "Abba, Father?" Just as I had a nursery waiting for my babies upon their arrival, Jesus has gone to prepare a place for you.
One prayer can change the course of your life...
Blessings from My Little Corner,
P.S. Bailey's story to come in a post soon. Hers is as unique as Andy's and had its own harrowing moments.
P.S. Bailey's story to come in a post soon. Hers is as unique as Andy's and had its own harrowing moments.
What a beautiful story, Cindy! Thanks for sharing it.
ReplyDeleteThanks Kendra! This story never gets old to me. I love sharing how God brought my family together. :)