I watch the birds in my yard. Put out bird feeders and bird houses and they will come. I've spent countless hours on my porch, sitting very still so I don't disturb their normal rhythm. It's also very calming and I can feel the stress flowing right out of my body. I want them to be comfortable with me in their midst...to feel safe.

Now you're probably thinking, "when does this woman have time to work if she has time to watch the birds?" Well I don't get to sit every day, but this time of year when the temperature is warming I'm anxious to get outside and enjoy the beauty of Spring. I have plenty to do but I take time to at least watch them through my windows.

There is so much activity going on in Nature...it can't help but know what to do. All of my birdhouses have nests and the moms and dads are going in and out constantly with food. I can't keep sunflower seeds in my feeders...I guess all that nest making and egg making has them famished.

The Lord says, "
not even a sparrow falls to the ground that He is not aware or does not will it," and then we have the audacity to wonder where He is in our circumstances. I'm guilty of this myself. He was there all along providing for me through those He placed into my life. Maybe He's placed people into your life...sometimes He uses total strangers...
Bird(squirrel)feeder!! |
to meet your need
where you are
right when you need it.
When He feeds the birds, He feeds them from nature, from things that He causes to grow. Even the sunflower seeds that we buy, He has grown. But, think of the joy we receive in putting the very seeds He's grown into our feeders. He allows it to channel through us so we can share in the joy of giving, the joy of experiencing His creation up close.
Don't you think He allows us to be channels of that same joy, only more profound? When we serve...when we do unto others...when we allow Him to use us to care for the widows and orphans or anyone in need, we share in the blessing and His kingdom is advanced. So go ahead, put out a few bird feeders...they will come and your life will never be the same.
Blessings from My Little Corner,
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